Ghazal is an intuitive healer and light-worker certified in reiki and violet flame energy healing. Growing up, she was always drawn to spiritual knowledge, particularly ancient Persian spiritual knowledge. Her creative art work is an extension of her spiritual practice, which includes emotional alchemy and transmutation.
Ghazal has built a network called 'joonhype' (joon/جون meaning ‘soul/life/spirit’ in Farsi) where intuitive guidance and creative healing sessions can be offered. Her goal is to provide a space for radical healing and deep self empowerment. Her focus includes breaking the toxic patterns of generational trauma, healing from abuse, healing from systemic oppression, and healing from addictions. Her approach includes transmuting pain to purpose, alchemizing lower emotional states to inspiration, intuitive channeling, Rumi & Hafez poetic guidance, energy healing, intuitive movement, astrology, tarot, reiki, and more.
For more information, check out links and client testimonials below.
IMPORTANT: Spiritual guidance can provide additional support on your journey but should not replace medical or professional mental health advice; eastern and western practices are different disciplines both equally worthy of respect. Ideally we can create a bridge between the two without dismissing one or the other.